No Entry - Park

His next stop was the park. His plan was to go soak up some sunshine and feed the birds. He still had about four hours to the appointment and the rule was that he had to get to the venue at least 30 minutes before his time; which meant by 30 minutes after noon he had to be seated. Weekdays were usually very busy for Fredrick Armstrong thereby, not giving him the opportunity to enjoy a morning in the park. He had planned the day because he intended to update his blog space later with pictures he took in the park and share his experience with the world. As he approached the entrance of the park, he saw that the park already had some early risers but one particular group of people caught his attention. The group had a mother and her two young children and he was about to be seated just across from the group. Fredrick had crumbs of bread from the cafe in one hand and his smart phone in the other hand. He sat down on one of the garden chairs, reflecting on how good the day had been thus far. While he was reflecting, he began to attract the birds with the crumbs of bread he started throwing their way. Their struggle for the pieces of the crumbs snapped him out of his thoughts and he began to make memories by taking pictures. 'Birds do not have a care in the world' Fredrick said laughing out loud. His laughter caught the attention of the children opposite him. 'Mummy, see that man is feeding the birdies...I want to go over there', one of the children said. The children headed for his direction even before their mother could give a go ahead. She had to hurriedly pack up their belongings so that she could stop them before they did anything that would cause Fredrick any embarrassment. 'Can we feed the birdies please....pretty please?' the children said in unison. Before Fredrick could answer, their mother began to apologise about their behaviour. Fredrick stopped and told her it was alright. He had enough crumbs to go round for everyone. 'I would be glad to share little you go', giving what was left of the crumbs to the little girls so they could also feed the birds. While they fed the birds, Fredrick and their mum watched and laughed at the reactions of both the birds and the girls. Fredrick ensured he captured most of the moments for memories with the camera on his smart phone. When the girls were done feeding the birds, they walked up to Fredrick and said, 'Thank you for letting us feed birdies. You are good at sharing'. That instantly produced a ripple of laughter from Fredrick. 'You are most welcome my lovely princesses. It was great sharing with you and you shared yourselves too by feeding the birdies' winking at each of the girls. 'I have to go now. My name is Fredrick Armstrong and it was a pleasure sharing my morning with you' smiling at the beautiful young ladies including their mother. 'We are the Williams' family; I am Amy, this is June and that is Lizzy. It was really nice meeting you. Hope we run into each other again some time. Do have a lovely day'. 'You too' Fredrick replied as he strolled out of the park with his smart phone filled with memories of the morning he just had. 

To be continued...